Qindo Revolutionizing solidarity through your favorite crypto communities and social network .
What’s Qindo?
Qindo builds a community- driven hyperactive fluid yield system through crypto- communities, social networks, and mortal generations thanks to outstanding social and fiscal use cases of NFTs & FTs and to mileage- driven disinflationary mechanisms.
The charge is to make universal social capitalism without duty as a fair volition means to make plutocrat. In a world where everything and every being on the web is a precious asset, our revolution of DeFi and DAO will go beyond Anon Social Finance and social use-cases of all means and inventions.
Erecting a mileage- driven disinflationary system through web 2 & web 3 community- possessed promoting and financing system with QINDO as popular commutable and NFTs as variable druggies individualities.
Features of Quindo
1} Super-powered commemoratives- Use your own NFTs & FTs to make unresistant inflows and tradable future yields.
2) Web4.0 conception-Discover a world where particular and community fiscal wealth is simply fuelled by enjoying the web fruits.
3) Social Democratic DAO- Join a DAO giving vote power to anon social beings whatever its holding to regulate fiscal and popular powers Positive & Negative Reflection- Hold, burn and earn$ QINDO in a first-of-its- kind’ media socialist conception.
4) Live & Earn- Turn your social being into a solidary tone-productive asset.
5} Cinch & Balance- Drive a community fund by locking and adopting commemoratives with stoked NFTs.
How does it work?
Use$ QINDO plutocrat or NFTs in a participatory promoting machine to ranch yields as noway ahead.
Evidence-of-Social- Mileage
Connect with a web 3 provider and a web 2 authenticator.
Link an NFT to your own social item ranked by our hunt machine (we will start with Instagram API) to come a Qindoer and jump into web 4 with your super NFT icon.
Use/ burn$ QINDO to give likes as numerous time as allowed by the algorithm.
Earn$ QINDO from$ QINDO used by others.
Claim$ QINDO earned for having used them for categories and according to their scores.
Sever and trade your NFT with its unborn particular yield through the Qindo interface.
The algorithm structure scores is grounded on the differenciation between$ QINDO used by the proprietor of the NFT linked to an item (A) and commemoratives used by others for this item (B) and on a reflexive solidary price system with relative difficulty in use Positive reflection ( burn & rebase) medium.
$ QINDO prices for holders are made by burning commemorative used/ burnt and resize circulating force linked to$ QINDO effects. This rebase medium isn’t price- driven but force- driven.
Negative reflection( mint & rebase) medium The token force linked to$ QINDO effects is resized according to categories likers$ QINDO prices claimed for minting. This rebase medium isn’t price- driven but force- driven Advance and adopt as noway before Use NFTs to makenon-custodial collateral and p2p adopt any commutable commemoratives at your own conditions or trade claims or collaterals.
Use NFT Fund Balancer underpinning as noncustodial collateral you want to adopt Add ACTIF to work out your Loan To Value (LTV) and choose your rate of interest to draw in lenders.
A lender accepts the offer through Qindo interface by underpinning an NFT with a claim You adopt without term and liquidation threat Adopt demands and debts are tracked in Qindo’s interface and tradable Borrowers and lenders will be suitable to make pools.

Token Name QindoNetwork
Token Ticker QINDO
Network ERC-20
Total Force QUINDO
. IDO/ ICO No Presale
80 Force allocated for Bounty and the remaining will be awarded for liquidity lockers.
Roadmap :
Q4/ 21$ QINDO fair launch
Q1/ 22Semi-Fungible Balancer
Q2/ 22 Liquid Autonomous Collateral
Q3/ 22 Community Promoting Power
Qindo medium is grounded on a participatory promoting system for the social network, a permissionless and unlimited tokenized like system that rewards druggies and the community following disinflationary Proof of Social mileage algorithm.
Read Further
Website https://www.qindo.org/
Twitter https://twitter.com/QindoNetwork
Telegram https://t.me/QindoGroup
Discord https://discord.com/invite/EMn7k8M7
Evidence of Author
Bitcointalk Username Adria Pedrosa
Bitcointalk Profile Link https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2853227
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