Bpay’s Green Revolution About Bpay is dedicated to promoting passive income generation and supporting ecology and bee conservation through its ecosystem, including the Bpay shop, NFT Marketplace, and Zero Tolerance Game. Users can use Bpay tokens for exclusive products, earn passive income, and contribute to environmental causes. The initiative addresses challenges faced by endangered animals and deforestation, emphasizing urgency. Dr. Bella Beekeeper, a visionary scientist, created Bpay as a powerful tool against animal poaching and deforestation, blending humanity, bee spirit, and technology. Bpay utilizes Web3 and blockchain to empower individuals in actively preserving the environment, urging others to join the movement for planet conservation. Bpay Ecosystem The inclusive Bpay ecosystem, dedicated to ecology and bee conservation, incorporates Web3 platforms like Shop2Earn, Trade2Earn, and Play2Earn. Shop2Earn, the central hub, allows users to earn Bpay tokens through purchases, wi...