
Biacoin is an ERC-20 based coin designed to connect the trading services across the globe in particular African countries. It is a utility token designed to be used to purchase goods and services through Blockchain. Goods and services include buying goods from Groceries stores and purchasing services from Hotels to Car Manufacturing companies.
The Aim is to use Biacoin in a safe and Hassle-free way to execute day to day trading as Fiat currency does.
Biacoin is bring a new revolution in Blockchain which will certainly uplift economies of African countries who have been suffering since long time due to poor economic conditions caused by incapable and bad governments.
Bia coin was founded in 2018 and created in 2019. It will be listed on Exchanges on December 2020 and January, 2021.
It will be listed on 5 exchanges, Probit, Hotbit, Chainx , Uniswap and Mercatox.
Biacoin Staking App will be launched in February, 2021.
The advantages of Biacoin are that it will grow gradually and yield good benefits for investors as its supply is low and Demand will be huge.
The token sale is already on at The interested investors can buy by visiting this site by depositing Ethereum Tokens and will receive tokens in their wallet.
The deposit address: 0xF3b6cd3872B7c8714DC21Fdd85AFaf25E41ef35B
The token name is BIACOIN and Ticker symbol is BIA with Decimal 18. The total supply is 1 Billion 550 thousand but circulating supply is only 200 Million.
The contract address is : 0xdf2b9be53075c2a2e475b3df358a2e892beafe25

Thanks for reading this article and using your precious time on here. For they are trying to build something great and unique. We saw dozens of projects without any single usability and we witness their extincion. But on the other hand "BIACOIN" team have a solid idea and they almost finalized their products and services. So in my opinion there isn’t any reason for Anonyme to be successful. and i Appreciate this Unique Idea for BiaCoin.
Author: Adria Pedrosa
BTT Profil:;u=2853227
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